The Galveston Railroad Museum is now offering Sunday Train Rides! Our Train Crew is currently testing out different ride times. Please check the ticketing website for details!
Field Trips
Imagine spending a day with TRAINS! You can tour several of our rail cars, take a ride on a caboose and share lunch in a historic dining car! The Galveston Railroad Museum is an exciting place to visit as we have a wealth of information regarding the history of rail cars and railroading that made our country what it is today. We offer five tracks, in our four-acre rail yard, of train cars to read and learn about. We have a model train theater and the world’s largest collection of railroad dining ware. We also have an interactive display of lights and crossbucks that the children can activate by pushing buttons.
Field Trip Package (minimum of 12 children and adults)
This is a group admission rate to the Galveston Railroad Museum. Bring a bag lunch and eat aboard our climate-controlled dining cars!
Students (Ages 4-12): $5.50
Students (ages 13-18): $11.50
School Employees: Free
Parent Chaperones: 11.50 Adults / $8.50 Seniors

Ride the Train!
If your group would like caboose rides, we will operate the train for your field trip! Passes on the train can be purchased for $5.50 each. Advance reservation required.
Certain dates and times may be restricted.
Request More Information
Submit this form for more information or call the museum
at 409-765-5700.