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Volunteer at the Museum

Love Trains?  Want to become more involved?  We love our volunteers!  If any of the positions listed below appeal to you, please call us at 409-765-5700 or fill out the form at the bottom of the page.  We cannot wait to see you!


Archives/ Curatorial: Assist the curator with cataloging and care of the collections. Create new displays and exhibit content.  Weekdays only.  Prior experience helpful, further training necessary. 

Docent/Education: Give guided tours of the museum; watch over museum displays while interacting with the public; assist in presenting educational material to merit badge classes, senior groups, and school groups. Weekdays or Weekends. Additional training may be required. 

Grounds/ Maintenance: Assist with cutting grass, planting, watering, weeding, and trash pickup. Weekdays or Weekends. Training available if needed. 

Model Railroad: Help to keep the model railroad display running by cleaning tracks, engine and rail car wheels, replacing worn out parts, and keeping structures on the layout clean. Also act as a docent and answer questions from visitors while working on the layout. Weekdays or Weekends.

Rolling Stock Maintenance: Assist in restoration, conservation and maintenance of rail cars and engines. Includes painting, woodworking, and upholstering, as well as metal, mechanical, and electrical work. Prior experience helpful, further training may be necessary. Weekdays. 

Way and Track Volunteer: Assist in railway track maintenance and in keeping the Museum yard and right of way clear of weeds and grass. Involves heavy labor. Weekdays and Weekends.

Weekend/Special Events Volunteer:  Assist the Museum staff during special events and weekend train rides. May involve helping load and unload passengers for train rides, leading visitors in craft activities, greeting visitors, etc... Weekends and Evenings. 

Request More Information

Submit this form for more information or call the museum 

at 409-765-5700.

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Adults (13-64): $12

Seniors (65+): $9

Children (3-12): $6

Children 2 and under: Free


Regular Admission Hours

M-F 10AM to 5PM


(409) 765-5700



Main Entrance:

123 - 25th Street


Free Parking &

West Ticket Office:

2602 Santa Fe Place 

Galveston, TX 77550


The Galveston Railroad Museum is dedicated to the restoration, observation, and re-use of its historic facilities and equipment for the development of educational and interactive programs, which support railroading and transportation initiatives serving our regional community.

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The Galveston Railroad Museum is a 501(c)(3) organization registered in the state of Texas.

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