Museum Audio Tour
It's been a long while since November 2014 when the Railroad Museum received a $15,000 grant from the Bromberg Foundation to help fund audio tours. MuseumWorks, Inc. out of Dallas, Texas, was contracted to develop the audio tour for the museum. After a recording session in July 2015, edits, product orders, and sign-making, the audio tour is finally in production at the Galveston Railroad Museum. The audio tour covers 22 stops throughout the museum, covering the history of the museum and various railcars in the railyard. Visitors may rent one of the players at either entrance for a nominal fee of $5.00 for one player or $8.00 for 2 players in addition to museum admission. Members can receive up to 2 audio tours free with membership card present. Due to limited numbers, audio tour players may not be available during high traffic days. The Railroad Museum plans to apply for funding for future orders of additional audio tour players.