Shawn Morrison Begins Guided Tours at the Museum This Weekend

On Saturday, August 1st, Ms. Shawn Morrison will begin leading guided tours at the Museum as a docent. Morrison is a longtime railfan and current AP Human Geography Teacher at Ball High School in Galveston. There will be a special before hours tour for Railroad Museum members only at 9:00 am, and a public tour for visitors at 1:00 pm. The public tour will be available every Saturday, and the before hours tour will be on the first Saturday of the month.
The Museum is excited to have Ms. Morrison aboard. Shawn has a Bachelor's of History and Literature, and a Master's of History, both from the University of Houston - Clear Lake. While she is an avid student of history, Morrison wants to use the tours as a vehicle to discuss the present and future of American Railroading. Expect to hear a healthy mix of museum history, discussions on high-speed rail, and her own experiences riding the rails (ask about her childhood run-in with the Stasi on a train in East Germany).
Want to pitch in? Morrison will hold a training session for docents on August 29th at 9:00 am in the Museum’s Map Room. Call the Museum at (409) 765-5700 or e-mail us at to reserve your spot. Training is free, but space is limited!