The Railroad Museum Needs You!
On Saturday, September 12th, at 10:00 am the Railroad Museum will be conducting docent training. The museum is expanding and hoping to provide guided tours to groups visiting the museum.
Docents are volunteer teachers who provide group learning experiences in the form of museum tours or demonstrations for special groups of visitors. They often get to interact with school children who are visiting the museum, helping the next generation discover how amazing railroads and trains can be.
Shawn Morrison (pictured here), currently leads guided tours through the museum at 1:00 pm every Saturday.

"We're looking forward to being able to enhance the visitor's experience. The docent program is designed to help railfans become involved in the museum, and we look forward to working with the new docents," said Sam Christensen, the museum's Curator.
The class will involve about 20 minutes of instruction in the museum, and end with in-depth walking tour through the museum. It is not expected to last more than an hour and a half, and should be loads of fun for railfans of all ages.
To reserve a spot, please email